
The latest features, upgrades, and bug fixes for Domain Mapping System.

Version 2.0.3 - July 17, 2024

  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.0.2 - July 15, 2024

  • Bug fixes.

Version 2.0.1 - July 12, 2024

  • Performance improvements and bug fixes.

Version 2.0 - July 7, 2024

  • Major plugin refactor.

  • Fixes to Yoast SEO integration.

Version 1.9.9 - April 23, 2024

  • Pagination added to the plugin settings area.

  • The plugin now automatically sets the default Microsite homepage to the first mapping when the current default is removed.

  • Bug fix to saving Selective Rewriting setting.

  • Bug fixes to saving internationalized domains.

  • Bug fixes to multisite integration.

  • Misc plugin and theme conflicts resolved.

Version 1.9.8 - March 28, 2024

  • Improved Global URL Rewriting to handle wp_menu() function.

  • Special characters in domains are now supported.

  • Custom Taxonomies and CPTs now supported.

  • Bug fix for WooCommerce Cart ajax updates.

  • Updates to child page slug and child page mapping.

  • Conflict with Contact Form 7 submission confirmation messages resolved.

Version 1.9.7 - February 27, 2024

  • Ability to map empty categories now possible.

  • General bug fixes.

  • Small UI updates.

  • Update Freemius SDK.

Version 1.9.6 - December 8, 2023

  • Fixes to Meta details on Yoast SEO integration.

Version 1.9.5 - November 30, 2023

  • Yoast SEO integration added!

  • Bugfix for mapping blog pages.

  • Custom tables now use the default DB engine.

Version 1.9.4 - August 9, 2023

  • Update Freemius SDK.

  • Added error message when no published resource is selected for a mapping.

  • Added a save button below mappings and made all save buttons save all settings.

  • Fixes to jquery conflicts.

  • Added support for Bedrock configuration.

Version 1.9.3 - July 5, 2023

  • Update Freemius SDK.

Version 1.9.2 - May 30, 2023

  • Added Global Parent Page mapping.

  • Update to UI to display hierarchy of parent pages.

  • Favicon fixes.

  • Fix to Global URL Rewriting.

  • Improvement for Crockblocks compatibility.

  • Rankmath compatibility bug fix.

  • Freemius SDK update.

Version 1.9.1 - April 6, 2023

  • Bugfix to handle when plugins are installed in non-default directory.

  • Updates to UI.

Version 1.9.0 - February 28, 2023

  • New user interface.

  • Added REST API for adding/deleting mappings.

  • General bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 1.8.4 - September 16, 2022

  • Fixed URL rewriting issue which was duplicating strings in the URL.

Version 1.8.3 - August 26, 2022

  • Fixed conflict with plugin Variation Swatches for WooCommerce.

Version 1.8.2 - August 12, 2022

  • Fixed conflict with Plesk while Global Domain Mapping is enabled.

  • Updated Freemius SDK to v2.4.5.

Version 1.8.1 - July 29, 2022

  • Bug fix for search mechanism not working in some cases.

  • Multisite improvements when uninstalling the plugin on network sites.

  • Bugfix for Global URL Rewriting not applying correctly.

Version 1.8 - July 15, 2022

  • Multisite integration is now available!

  • Freemius SDK update to v2.4.4.

Version 1.7.7 - July 1, 2022

  • We’ve added support for sites that are installed as a subdirectory. When a subdirectory install is detected, the .htaccess file is updated with a special snippet to support domain mapping.

Version 1.7.6 - May 27, 2022

  • Updates to WPCS integration.

Version 1.7.5 - May 16, 2022

  • Integration with Multiple Domain Mapping plugin to easily import mappings.

Version 1.7.4 - May 1, 2022

  • Bugfix for DB migration issue on 1.7.3.

Version 1.7.3 - April 29, 2022

  • Added Favicon per domain.

  • We’ve resolved some complexities that restricted multiple mappings to the same published resource. Now one published resource can have multiple domains attached to it.

  • Simultaneously mapping a domain with both the root domain and the root domain + subdirectory is now possible.

  • Resolved issues with adding more than 20 mapped domains.

Version 1.7.2 - April 15, 2022

  • Further improvements to the integration.

  • Fix for Wordence.

  • Styling/layout improvements to the Settings area.

Version 1.7.1 - March 18, 2022

  • Added integration. SaaS platforms using WPCS can now offer their clients full domain management of their Tenants.

Version 1.7 - March 4, 2022

  • WooCommerce Shop page mapping support.

  • Added capability to enable mapping of all WooCommerce products by simply mapping the Shop page.

  • Added support for WordPress taxonomies (both native and custom). Taxonomies refer to grouping posts together based on a select number of relationships, like Archives or Categories.

  • Added option to enable mapping of all Custom Post Types within a custom taxonomy by just mapping the taxonomy.

  • Added the option to rewrite all URLs on a mapped page to the mapped domain with Selective Rewriting or Global Rewriting.

Version 1.6.7 - January 27, 2022

  • Fixed an issue with admin_url last param existence.

Version 1.6.6 - January 6, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that prevented editing content in Elementor while free version of DMS was activated.

Version 1.6.5 - December 23, 2021

  • Fix for critical error when uploading multiple Freemius plugins with icons designated.

Version 1.6.4 - November 09, 2021

  • Fixes for conflicts with Yoast SEO and Jupiter theme.

Version 1.6.3 - October 29, 2021

  • Fixes for conflicts with Yoast SEO and Jupiter theme.

  • The plugin now adds a file into the mu-plugins directory, causing DMS files to be loaded first in order to rewrite some URLs defined by 3rd party plugins. Previously, if DMS was loaded after other plugins, there could be conflicts.

  • With the mu-plugins upgrade, we can now provide temporary fixes for plugin conflicts while we work with other teams to improve compatibility.

Version 1.6.3 - October 29, 2021

Version 1.6.2 - October 19, 2021

  • The plugin now adds a file into the mu-plugins directory, causing DMS files to be loaded first in order to rewrite some URLs defined by 3rd party plugins. Previously, if DMS was loaded after other plugins, there could be conflicts.

  • With the mu-plugins upgrade, we can now provide temporary fixes for plugin conflicts while we work with other teams to improve compatibility.

Version 1.6.2 - October 19, 2021

  • Fixed an issue where WordPress icons would be missing in some cases.

Version 1.6.1 - October 11, 2021

  • Fixed an issue where subdomain mappings were showing too many redirects when the "Force redirect to mapped pages" option was enabled.

Version 1.6 - October 7, 2021

  • Added Subdirectory mapping! (PRO)

  • Major improvement to the way data is stored in the database with custom tables instead of inside the wp_options table.

  • Fixes to global domain mapping.

  • Fixed an issue appearing in website health check.

  • Added an option to fully delete all plugin settings and data on uninstall.

Version 1.5.2 - August 31, 2021

  • Fixed conflict with WooCommerce JS.

Version 1.5.1 - August 24, 2021

  • Bugfix causing upgrade issues .

Version 1.5 - August 21, 2021

  • Translated into Spanish, Italian, German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Indonesian, Dutch, Portuguese, and Turkish.

  • Added Global Domain Mapping for PRO version.

  • Fixed a bug about forcing visitors to view a mapped domain for the homepage.

Version 1.4.7 - August 08, 2021

  • Global domain mapping is now supported, so you don’t have to select every post individually anymore!

  • Bug fix to stop redirects when the homepage is set in WordPress admin.

Version 1.4.6 - July 27, 2021

  • You can now create “subsites” by selecting multiple posts, pages, or custom post types for a single domain.

  • UI text upgrades and bug fixes.

Version 1.4.5 - July 07, 2021

  • Force site visitors to see the mapped domain of a page (e.g. - disallow visitors to see the primary domain of a page).

  • Ensured WP 5.8 compatibility.

  • Ensured PHP8 compatibility.

  • Update WP Admin menu item to be a top level menu item instead of a submenu item to find it more easily.

Version 1.4.4 - April 30, 2021

  • Added support for query strings to PRO version.

  • Updated free-premium upgrade flow.

Version 1.4.3 - March 01, 2021

  • Updated Freemius SDK.

Version 1.4.2 - November 12, 2020

  • Added UI message about server configuration requirements.

Version 1.4.1 - October 13, 2020

  • Domain Mapping System has been adopted by the Gaucho Plugins team as of September 22, 2020!

  • Added Freemius integration, which means:

    • Users can get in touch with our team for feature requests, questions, or issues of any kind directly in the WP Admin.

    • Users can upgrade plans and manage their license directly in the WP Admin.

    • Improved Security & Privacy options allow users to choose what you do with your data via the opt-in mechanism.

    • The Gaucho Plugins development team can focus on creating better features and improving Domain Mapping System with easy access to user feedback.

Version 1.4

  • Adapted to work with WordPress 5.5.

Version 1.3.2

  • Show all posts/pages/cpt-posts.

Version 1.3.1

  • Added support for blog post Categories.

Version 1.3

  • Code Refactoring, got rid of DMS Menu-Class.

  • Added support for Posts.

  • Added support for CPT Archives.

  • Some Admin-UI tweaks (chosen.js instead of HTML-Select, Post Type Selection).

  • To provide MU support, users must now be able to change settings instead of installing plugins to use DMS Options (Capabilities).

Version 1.2.1

  • Fixed empty <select> Bug.

Version 1.2

  • Added support for Custom Post Types.

Version 1.1

  • Instead of strange page hack, modify page query.

  • Remove kill switch as it is unnecessary.

Version 1.0 - May 13, 2012

  • No changes – initial release.

Last updated