Yoast SEO
Domain Mapping System now has a direct integration with Yoast SEO. You can set custom Titles, Descriptions, and Keywords for all mapped versions of a page, as well as enable a sitemap per domain.
Last updated
Domain Mapping System now has a direct integration with Yoast SEO. You can set custom Titles, Descriptions, and Keywords for all mapped versions of a page, as well as enable a sitemap per domain.
Last updated
Please note that the Yoast SEO integration in Domain Mapping System a PRO feature that can be enabled with the free version of Yoast SEO. Please check our website pricing for details.
Once you have the PRO version of the plugin installed, you can enable the Duplicate SEO Options and Sitemap per Domain features at the bottom of the plugin settings:
Once the proper checkbox in the plugin settings is enabled, the Domain Mapping tab will appear for each published resource:
If you have multiple domains mapped to the same published resource, the plugin detects this automatically, and you'll have multiple sections to enter the content:
The sitemap per domain doesn't need any additional configuration after enabling the feature in the main plugin settings. You'll simply be able to change your sitemap URL from the default provided by Yoast to any of the mapped domains.
Access the default Yoast SEO sitemap here:
Then, simply update the URL in your browser to any of the mapped domains you have configured:
The sitemap for each domain can be submitted to Google and other search engines for indexing.
We plan to expand this SEO integration to other SEO plugins soon, as well as build on the capabilities described above. Please reach out to support with any questions or feature requests.